Iridium Certus GMDSS

Iridium Certus GMDSS Iridium Certus GMDSS - Lars Thrane LT-4200s GMDSS Terminal

Iridium Certus GMDSS offers an all-in-one package solution to meet the requirements covered by the International Maritime Organization (IMO)-mandated safety and security services, including GMDSS, Long-Range Identification & Tracking (LRIT), and Ship Security Alert System (SSAS). These terminals also serve as powerful L-band companion(s) in addition to Ku-/Ka-band broadband technology. One terminal providing reduced hardware costs while providing with proper configuration and peripherals installation as supplied by the terminal manufacturer  for all IMO required services.

  • GMDSS - Distress Alert, Iridium Safety Voice, Maritime Safety Information Broadcast (MSI) (via Iridium SafetyCast®)
  • Long-Range Identification & Tracking (LRIT) - Transmits vessel position every 6 hours or on demand.
  • Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) Enables threatened vessel crew to request assistance


Iridium GMDSS provisioning and billing is throuugh a Iridium GMDSS Service Provider (SP) thus eliminating the need for an Accouting Authority and unpredictable Accounting Authority fees and costs.

Iridium Certus GMDSS service is provided over the Iridium Certus Satellite Network enabling truly global coverage including Artic and Antarctic regions (Sea Area A4)

All through L-Band transmission through a solid-state  rugged omnidirectional antennas to operate in harsh sea and weather conditions.

The Lars Thrance LT-4200S GMDSS Terminal. Provides these services in addition to companion voice and data services to broadband satellite systems.

  • SOLAS Approved (A1, A2, A3)
  • Multiple Voice Lines (Three voice channels (3))
  • IP Data Speed 176kbps up and down
  • Single Antenna Cable between ADE and BDE (150m)


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