Cobham EXPLORER 8120 VSAT Antenna System

Cobham EXPLORER 8120 VSAT Auto-Acquire Drive-Away Antenna System Cobham EXPLORER 8120

The Cobham EXPLORER 8120. Cobham’s newest addition to the EXPLORER 8000 familiy of VSAT terminals. Incorporating unique Dynamic Pointing Correction technology and utilizing advanced carbon fiber reflector 1.2m Auto-Acquire ,Drive-Away VSAT Antenna.

Available With – Options

  • No Buc
  • 8W Buc
  • 20W Buc


  • Genuine EXPLORER Design
  • Rugged, Reliable 1.2m Auto-Acquire Drive-Away Antenna
  • Single Piece 1.2m Offset Feed Carbon Fiber Reflector for exceptional performance
  • Built-in Wifi and a Web-based User Interface for easy PC and Smartphone Configuration
  • Precision Polarization Drive
  • Harmonic Drive Gear systems
  • Available in an 8W BUC, 20W BUC, and a no BUC option • Advanced Blocking Zone Functionality
  • Dynamic Pointing Correction technology and inclined orbit satellite tracking

    Providing continuous connectivity services that are available even if the vehicle rocks because of the unique ‘Dynamic Pointing Correction’ system. Utilizing lessons learned from Cobham’s experience with maritime stabilized VSAT antennas, enables the antenna system to offer the most reliable connectivity available in its class.

    Cobham EXPLORER 8120 provides for industry-leading fast satellite acquisition with pointing achieved in less than four minutes, This makes getting connected to a satellite a very-quick and easy process.

    The system is available in Ku-band configuration with no Buc, 8W Buc and 20@ Buc Options and works with most major satellite networks.
